Eagle Condor

"The Eagle and the Condor is an ancient prophecy that speaks of human societies [the Americas] splitting into two paths – that of the Eagle [the West], and that of the Condor [the South]. The path of the Condor can be seen as the path of heart, of intuition, and of the feminine. The path of the Eagle, as the path of the mind, of the industrial, and of the masculine.
Eagle condor

"I feel that the only lasting, sustainable way forward for humanity is to bring together the best of indigenous and modern world views; our knowledge, wisdom, and technologies, to create a new, shared cosmology - what some are calling, "A new story".
~ Tony Moss

The I.AM.LIFE project is one of many that have evolved out of the spirit of the Eagle Condor prophecy.
"The prophecy says that the 1490s would begin a 500 year period during which the Eagle people would become so powerful that they would virtually drive the Condor people out of existence. This can be seen in the conquering of the Americas and the killing and oppressing of the indigenous peoples in the subsequent 500 years – up to and including today.
The prophecy says that during the next 500-year period, beginning in 1990, the potential would arise for the Eagle and the Condor to come together, to fly in the same sky, and to create a new level of consciousness for humanity. The prophecy only speaks of the potential, so it’s up to us to activate this potential and ensure that a new consciousness is allowed to arise."
~ from the Pacahamama Alliance Eagle Condor description

“So many indigenous people have said to me that the fundamental difference between Western and indigenous ways of being is that even the most open-minded westerners generally view listening to the natural world as a metaphor, as opposed to the way the world really is. Trees and rocks and rivers really do have things to say to us.”
~ Derrick Jensen, What We Leave Behind